What is Hopi Ear Candling


Ear Candling has been around for thousands of years, and developed by various cultures over the centuries.


The concept of an ear candling session is that a Therapist will place within the entrance of your ear, a candle which is made up of cotton, beeswax and herbs/oils.  These candles are of a funnel shape which allows the smoke of the candle to travel down through the candle into the ear to help the healing process begin.


Wax tends to build up in the ear for a variety of reasons, allergies, illness, loud noises, concerts, continuous use of headphones, so to look after your ears is very important as by not looking after your ears, you could suffer from hearing loss, ear damage, headaches, sinus issues or vertigo.


You ask anyone if they have heard of Ear Candling and majority will say “Its those candles that get rid of ear wax”, well this is true but it also has many other benefits as well which are as follows:-


· Reduces Snoring

· Ear irritations, caused by dust, mites, pollen, water

· Helps circulation of the blood

· Brings a sense of calm and lightness

· Relieves anxiety

· Helps ease the problems of tonsilitis


The Ear Candles are also an ideal treatment for any of the following professions:-

· Audio Typists

· Swimmers or Divers

· DJ/Music Producers

· Switchboard operatives

· Pilots and Air Stewardess